Bring a basket of French fries and toss them with spices
List of ingredients:
Four big potatoes
Two cups of fresh parsley soup.
A spoonful of chicken soup or mashed green onions.
2 cucharadas de almidón de maíz.
One spoonful of salt, or as much as you prefer.
Mix half a cup of black pepper with coffee.
Cooking oil
Rules: These are the instructions to follow.
Get the apples ready for planting.
Combining the ingredients:
Colocar las papas ralladas, el perejil picado, las cebollas verdes (o cebollinos) y la maicena en un gran recipiente.
Salt and pepper.
Make sure to mix well so that all ingredients are evenly spread out.
Creating the squares:
Spread the potato wedges on a flat surface or large plate, making sure they are about 1/4 inch thick.
Cut the flattened mixture into small squares, about one piece per side.
Mix up the squares.
Warm up the oil in a pan until it reaches 350°F (175°C).
Cook the potato cubes in small groups for around two to three minutes on each side, until they are soft and crispy
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